Privacy policy.

At Eurasia Strategy Insights, we provide free access to our reports, snapshots and quarterly briefs for all to read and share. We only collect data with our readers’ permission, and this includes: their name, email address, and private message for enquiries. Aside from this we collect usage statistics for the website which does not infringe on any personal data.

All articles published under our ‘Research’ area are works of opinion by the stated authors. These articles should not be deemed professional advice, therefore our contributors are not liable for any malpractice or losses incurred by yourself or your business.

If you wish to contact us, you can do so by filling in a voluntarily contact form with your name and email address. This information is not shared with, or sold to, any third parties. The data is only accessed by members of the ESI team responsible for communications for the purpose of getting in touch with you. If you wish for your data to be erased from our system, please fill in a contact form expressing your wish to do so.

Our usage statistics are collected in the form of ‘cookies’. These include data to determine popular pages, time spent on the site, number of site visitors, and other similar data points. The collection of this data is used solely to identify trends on our site and help to improve user experience. It will never be used by, or sold to, a third-party organisation.

Eurasia Strategy Insights has links on its web pages for external sites, such as social media accounts related to our website. Whilst these are our social media accounts, they are not covered under our privacy policy, and we urge you to check their own website privacy policies should you have any concerns.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via the link at the bottom of this page.